Supporting our Community
Crookwell IGA is a major supporter of all local junior team sport & cultural activities.
Crookwell IGA uses its Community Chest fundraising to support Viewhaven Lodge Aged Care Home Crookwell and Sunset Lodge Taralga.
Since its inception in 2004, Crookwell IGA has been involved in the support of community events, cultural programmes and providing sponsorship wherever possible. We have been major sponsors of most junior team sports in Crookwell and have sponsored and promoted many cultural events throughout the year. As a leading business in town we have a responsibility to support and promote the growth of a wide variety of sporting and cultural activities.
Crookwell’s aged care facility, Viewhaven Lodge and Taralga’s aged care facility Sunset Lodge have been for many years the recipients of our major instore fundraising. Each year, Crookwell IGA donates thousands of dollars to Viewhaven and Sunset Lodge which is used to provide much needed equipment.
Organisations we have sponsored include:
Crookwell Junior Soccer
Crookwell Junior Rugby League
Crookwell Junior Hockey
Crookwell Rugby Club
Crookwell Green Devils
Crookwell Amateur Dramatic Society
Australia Day Celebrations
Crookwell Potato Festival
Binda Picnic Races
Crookwell Golf Club
Crookwell Bowling Club & more

Request for Support
Please fill out the application form below and we’ll be in touch.